Real Life Examples of Cyber Security Threats

Title: Unveiling Cyber Threats: 7 Attacks You Need to Know

In an age where technology is an integral part of our daily lives, the surge in cybercrime poses a growing threat to individuals and businesses alike. Sandra Viveiros, in her article, sheds light on seven types of cyber security attacks, accompanied by real-life examples, emphasizing the pressing need for vigilance and protection.

1. Malware: A Stealthy Invader Malware, encompassing viruses and Trojans, infiltrates devices through unsuspecting clicks or email attachments. A prime example occurred in 2016 when a Japanese travel agency suffered a massive data breach due to an employee opening a malicious document received through a phishing email.

2. Ransomware Attacks: Holding Data Hostage Ransomware takes control of systems and blocks access to files, demanding compensation for restoration. The infamous WannaCry attack in 2017 affected over 200,000 organizations worldwide, serving as a stark reminder of the importance of system updates to counter vulnerabilities.

3. Man in the Middle Attacks: Intercepting Data Unseen In this attack, cybercriminals intercept data during transmission. The 2017 Equifax breach highlighted how attackers used this method to access personal data through a man in the middle attack on the company's apps.

4. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS): Overwhelming Systems DDoS attacks aim to overload systems with traffic, causing crashes and downtime. The recent colossal attack on Russian tech powerhouse Yandex in 2021 exemplifies the potential repercussions, with a record 22 million requests per second.

5. Password Attacks: Cracking the Digital Code From manual guessing to sophisticated brute force attacks, cybercriminals employ various techniques to steal user passwords. The Canada Revenue Agency experienced a significant password attack in 2021, compromising over 5000 accounts due to the technique called credential stuffing.

6. Drive-By Download Attacks: Silent Intruders Drive-by attacks occur when malware code is downloaded unknowingly while browsing. Often manifested through deceptive ads on websites, this attack, if successful, can lead to malware infiltrating your device.

Stay safe out there,


Your Family Union Family! :) <3


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